Friday, August 30, 2013

Dreams V.S. Reality (1A)

When we are young we are told we can do or be anything, that if we wish to have a certain job or be a certain way it will come true. However as we grow up we begin to realize that the world isn't that easy, that life includes more than a dream.

This isn't a sudden realization people make, it’s a slow process. When we are in middle school we realize that there is some work to do along the path to a dream. When high school rolls around we are told it is vital to our dreams to do well throughout it, so we try hard and get good grades because we have our dream to fulfill. Then college hits, and we realize that one dream isn't good enough. We need a dream for every aspect of life. Life isn't just about a job; it’s about friends, personality, respect and much more.

In my opinion college is a time to finalize the majority of life’s goals, especially those specified above. In college I hope to not only learn all the necessary skills of my dream job but to also create a band of close friends, develop the final aspects of my personality, and most of all become a respected member of society. I will get the education needed to fulfill my career aspirations, to make friends at many of the social opportunities, and most of all I plan to find who I am and will be for the rest of my life. New dreams arise as life goes on and college isn't the “end all be all” of the world, but for those of us who choose the college path it is an important time in our life.

There are many questions in life but the most important is who you are and who you will be. Because if you do not know who you are, then what do u have? Everyone finds themselves in different ways. How will you?

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