Saturday, November 9, 2013

Other's Questions (11B)

While looking through the different questions on everyone’s blogs I saw many good college level questions. But a few stuck out as great questions too me.

The first one was by “stepphhr”. What is the relationship between creativity and people who have the greatest tolerance of uncertainty or boredom?

I think this question is great because it is specific to what it wants. There are no ambiguous words so what is desired for an answer is clear. It is easy to connect it to the reading through examples. And most importantly it is relevant to the subject or topic at hand.

The second question I thought was great is by “Jacqueline Reis”. What is the overnight test? How does not having enough time to reassess your work interfere with creativity?

I liked this question because of its simplicity. While you can write a lot on the topic the answer the author is looking for is very specific and relevant. Again it is clear and leaves the possibility to add examples.

The third great question was by “Kelsey Laudano”. What ways can parents, teachers or employers hinder a person’s creativity?

I think this is a great question because it has all the requirements of a college level question and even more. It is relevant to the topic, it’s clear and easy to connect examples to. However it goes a step further and relates the class work to real life. It is something everyone has experienced and can relate to.

This week’s activities have definitely helped me predict future quiz questions. Not in a way that I will be able to guess what exact questions will be on tests, but how to approach readings and assignments from a deeper level. I will no longer think of questions in the sense of what the article said but how the topics relate to the real world.

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